My supervisor and colleages are right, i take more efforts to learn and learn slower than others... Take my SIG for example, i still take too much time on it. Also, I should have asked people teach me how to swim before i go. Although i could float from one side of the swimming pool to another, i took more efforts than others still...(I'm not sure it is because i never swim so long or because i haven't swim for half year. Maybe both, haha.) Anyway, i feel bad that i make the same mistake again because of my stupid dignity.Haiz... Look on the bright side, i did exercise today finally. Time to sleep~~!!!
By the way, my sis's computer breaks down, it can do nothing but restart itself. I'm trying hard to fix, hope it's manageable. Additionally, my own computer's battery is dying. Its life can last only 5 minutes... Considering buy a new battery or a new laptop...

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To celebrate yiwei's birthday, few of my colleags and i gathered and had dinner in Yiwei's home. Suhaila made spaghetti, michelle made salad, and i bought i coco exotic cake from four leaves. Thanks to Yiwei's mother for curry chicken. People ate , gossiped, asked yiwei to try on her birthday gift, too bad that phography is prohibited. After dinner, wine and taboo. Taboo is a disturbing and interesting game. Then lilian and i slept in the living room. Yiwei and I-Ling slept upstairs doing counseling til 5 am. That's all . In the early morning, we play blocker.

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Fifteen minutes ago, i was writing my diary.
Actually, that's not a diary. Probably more of a summary of my life from last september until today. I left out a lot of details because i don't want my family and friends to know that i had acutally bought a dress for the wedding of a colleague and did some other crazy things.:p
While writing about my work in the diary. I suddenly thought of a little story...
One day, my reporting officer urged us in a workgroup meeting that "As an OT, our role is to empower our patients." I was quite impressed and then i kept that phrase in mind and tried to apply it into my work. Few weeks later, i started supervising students and had to read their clinical diaries. I noticed that one of my student was impressed by the way i treated my patients and their family members during a caregiver training session. I was greatly encouraged and pleased. Just as my reporting officer said, taking students can help to improve yourself . As what 李世民 said "以銅為鏡可以正衣冠;以史為鏡可以之興替;以人為鏡可以明德失"
Honestly speaking, my reporting officer taught me a lot of things, from work to the value of life, with great patience.

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The story is about two psychologists who founded a lab investigating facial expressions and body language
of human beings. They also provide lie-detecting services. In the series, they help the government and the police to screen
those suspects, witnesses and victims. It's just like a more psychological
version of CSI. Besides the scientific-driven investigations, what fascinates me even more
is how the characters behave. The characters lie and weave fake stories to benefit themsleves, or escape

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趙詠華還是很厲害~ 戴愛玲也很棒 合聲真的很好聽

(趙)如果說 如果你真的不想說 我們就安安靜靜看著天空 讓傷心走過

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